Working with Asbestos can be difficult and that’s why it’s a licensed industry. All work with asbestos must be undertaken by a licensed contractor.
Enigma holds an Ancillary Asbestos Licence to provide scaffolding solutions working in proximity to asbestos insulation, asbestos coating, asbestos insulating board or any other Asbestos-containing Materials (ACM’s) where it is foreseeable that the scaffolding activity is likely to disturb asbestos. The licence is issued by the Health & Safety Executive HSE in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and permits Enigma to carry out licensed scaffolding.
To further support projects associated with asbestos during the planning stages, Enigma’s in-house QSHE team support client projects to assess the risks and provide professional guidance and support before starting because managing the project is essential and a legal requirement. To provide a safe working environment and ensure the safety of employees, third-party contractors, and the public by preventing exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos is often found in older buildings requiring demolition or refurbishment, and removing the hazardous material must be performed by a licensed operator to avoid prosecution. Enigma is one of a few temporary access ‘scaffolding’ providers operating throughout the UK with an Ancillary Asbestos Licence and is a founder member of the NASC (National Access & Scaffolding Confederation).
Please get in touch to discuss your project requirements and submit an enquiry or call 0330 678 1199.