At Enigma Industrial Services we have implemented a series of controls, arrangements and guidance to protect our employees, visitors and others during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
To minimise the risk of spreading further infection.
Covid-19 Pandemic Protection Guide Video
The Video Presentation Guide contains information on:
- Self Isolation
- Travel to Work
- Signing in and out of sites
- PPE Personal Protection Equipment
- Risk Assessments
- Welfare facilities
- Coughs and Sneezes
- Hand Washing
- Social Distancing
- Meetings

It’s vital that you follow the UK and Local Government Guidance and only come to work if you are symptom-free and nobody in your household is currently isolating.
Remember if you have any COVID-19 symptoms like a high temperature, fever or a new persistent cough.
Do not come to the site.
Stay Safe

Video published 2/7/2020 Please also, check current organisation guidance and official Government websites for updates.