HAKI Public Access Stairs
Enigma Industrial Services have extensive experience in providing safe temporary public access solutions in public spaces like museums, visitor attractions, railway stations, airports, hospitals, sports stadiums, historic heritage sites and schools. By assisting organisations to install sufficient public access provision to prevent the likelihood of falls and enable efficient crowd management by controlling foot traffic. Our in-house design and engineering team work closely with clients to provide cost-effective solutions.

HAKI Public Access Stairs can handle high volumes of footfall to ensure safety in accordance with leading UK standards, the 2.5m wide stairs can accommodate up to 36 people per lift at any one time. With specialist additional design features including child-safe, adjustable handrails and slip-resistant solid steel decks helping to protect the public against falling from a height. In-line and spiral configurations are available to suit all applications, providing flexibility with specialist project requirements. HAKI Public Access Stairs are an ideal temporary access solution in public spaces like railway stations, airports, sports stadiums, and schools.

HAKI Public Access Stairs can also, be easily combined with the HAKI Bridge System and Cladding to provide temporary footbridges. The stairs are suitable for the safe evacuation of large numbers of people and are ideal for high-trafficked projects.

HAKI Public Access Stairs are the perfect solution for every situation and can be fully integrated with HAKI Universal Scaffolding components for guaranteed safety and maximum adaptability.
HAKI Public Access Stairs for sale or hire
When you need to hire or purchase HAKI scaffolding or temporary access solutions, contact Enigma Industrial services direct on 0330 678 1199. We have the largest stockpile of HAKI in the UK, and customers can obtain stock from 7 strategically located Enigma Industrial Services depots throughout the UK. Contact your local Enigma Industrial Services, sales representative for additional HAKI Public Access Stairs product information and technical data specification documentation.Enigma is the official UK distribution partner.