Historically scaffolding is perceived to be a male-dominated environment throughout the UK. However, Enigma Industrial Services is proactively changing this by providing training initiative opportunities to attract more women into the sector by demonstrating a clear commitment to equality and diversity. Enigma’s HR team actively support women wishing to pursue a career in scaffolding by providing training support and ongoing career development opportunities throughout the organisation.

Anne Marie Barber was initially employed as a Yard Staff team member by Enigma, but after showing an interest in scaffolding, completed a CISRS Part One Scaffolders Course. She now works at our clients Syngenta, Huddersfield Site in West Yorkshire, by supporting the on-site scaffolding team with erecting and dismantling access scaffolds for plant maintenance work at the prestigious manufacturing centre. To support Anne Marie’s continual professional development and career progression, she recently attended the Safety & Access Humberside Training Facility. By attending a 10-day course to complete her Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) Part Two Scaffolders Course and Level Two NVQ. After completing the course and achieving the professional qualification, Anne Marie is now eligible to register as a fully qualified and competent scaffolder.
Enigma Industrial Services and Safety & Access Ltd congratulate Anne Marie on her success by celebrating the excellent achievement and progression of one of only a few female scaffolders currently employed in the UK today.

Rick Statham, at Safety & Access, commented: “We are delighted to have Anne Marie with us for her CISRS Training, it is fantastic to see females moving into these traditionally male roles in construction. Anne Marie sets a great example to all women considering a trade in the construction industry. The sector is very buoyant in the UK, and it provides attractive salary opportunities for all and a long-term future in the industry with plenty of opportunities to progress.”
Roy Rogers, QSHE & Energy Director at Enigma Industrial Services Ltd, commented: “We are proud to witness Anne Marie’s progress in her chosen career. By watching the personal development from yard staff team member to now progressing on to her CISRS Part 2 Scaffolder Course at Safety & Access. Anne-Marie demonstrates that diversity in the scaffolding industry is slowly gaining momentum. We continue to support Anne Marie, with managing the demands of her job at Syngenta, Huddersfield and continuous development.
Enigma Industrial Services actively welcome females considering a career in the associated scaffolding or industrial service trades including, protective coating applications and thermal insulation, by providing ongoing training and support. Anne Marie is an inspiration for women looking to embark on a rewarding career within the scaffolding industry that is currently undergoing a dynamic transformation.
For more information on the career opportunities available at Enigma Industrial Services, please click here.